Aisyah's Mom & Dad say, "Parenting is a process..."

Thursday, September 23, 2010

OPOL (One Parent, One Language)

Hubby and I have decided to use both English and B.Melayu at home with Ayeesha; English with Ibu and Malay with Ayah. We figure out that it is better for Ayeesha to be able to acquire and adapt to both languages at an early age since both languages are important later in life. We love to see Ayeesha being able to master both languages at the same time. And from articles that I have read, it is better for both parents to start as early as possible (most prefer since the baby still in mum's tummy).

I find OPOL is a natural approach to introduce Ayeesha to both languages. It saves more time and learning comes natural since Ayeesha will be hearing the languages since she's small. She will be used with both languages and will always associate English language with Ibu and B. Melayu with dad. As for grammar lesson, we believe Ayeesha will learn it 'unconsciously' and even if any errors arise in their communication, they will automatically learn to correct it in a very free-from-stress way.

A friend suggested for hubby and I use only one language at one time, by the time our Ayeesha has perfected her 1st language, then only we introduce her to the 2nd language. I'm not into the idea since I myself is being perfected with this approach. Thou this approach is a success in a way, BUT it took me a long time to be able to use my 2nd language confidently at home and with friends.

Will the child be confused when two languages are used at the same time? From articles that I have read, this will not happen if both parents regularly use their OPOL consistently with the child and the child has the opportunities to use and practice the languages in everyday basis. I'm not so sure about this but again, from my observation, this never happen to a family that I know. The child speaks fluent English with his mother and B.Melayu with his dad.

Most parents that I have observe using OPOL at home find success at the end of the road. Not only the children could master both languages well at home and school, they also happen to be the smart ones in school! They easily absorb lessons in school like sponge and tend to be more independent than their friends who could only master one language at a time (**no recent articles support on this finding)

Using OPOL at home is not as easy as it seems. Both parents have to be responsible with the language that they have chosen. Both must remain consistent with the language not only in helping the child’s language development but as well as any other phases of the child’s development. With these, parents have to get ready, be well prepared and try to come out with many sets of vocabularies to help the child to be able to use both languages in everyday activities.

Hmmmm.. hope our OPOL is a success.

Ibu Ayeesha

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